Friday 17 October 2014

This week on Monday my Home.Ec class did our sewing, we are sewing a teddy bear. We had to cut out all the pieces of fabric that would make the teddy and sew them together, mine will be blue with different patterns on it. We also had work experience on Wednesday. We also have a lot of projects to do, In art we are focusing on leaves, we have to draw a still life drawing of a leaf in different medians (shading, colouring pencil and ink) and at the end of all our preps we have to make a clay tile with engraving on it. In geography we are doing power point projects on a European country, mine is Greece. I'm learning a lot more about this country then I knew before. For maths we had to take a picture of an object that had maths in it (e.g parallell lines, angles or shapes) I took a photo of my brothers amplifier as it had a number of shapes on it (circles&squares), and in Irish we are doing a project on the Gaeltacht, we have to write about what Gaeltachts are and where they are situated in Ireland, we also got counties in which we had to focus more on, I got Kerry. It's safe to say that in TY there is a lot of projects to be done!

Friday 10 October 2014

Cool shoes and work experience!

This week was busy as usual, on Monday I had baking in Home. Ec, we made banoffee which was delicious and it was a very easy thing to make,on Wednesday we had our third day of work experience, it went very well and i was very tired after it, I also got my braces off that day too (woo!) haha. On Friday we had a non-uniform day where we had the choice to wear ''funky shoes'' for the ''Walk In My Shoes'' charity for mental health, we had to pay 2 euro that will go to the charity. My mini company group and I are very busy with working on our product and we also have a french project to do as well.

Friday 3 October 2014

We won the fun walk!

This week we had the fun walk, this is where every year group is given a colour and the classes within that year have to make up a dance, perform it in front of the school and then we all go on a walk. 1st years were pink, 2nd year blue, 3rd year green, TY yellow, 5th year blue and 6th year black & white. The whole school gathered around in the basketball court to watch the classes performing, the years all went in order, We danced to wham ''Wake me up before you go go'' and we were either good people or bad people, the good people had to make the bad people good, its kind of hard to explain but i thought our dance was really good, also our tutor dressed up as a witch which was very funny. When it came to our class, Aurora to perform we were all nervous but we performed really well, so well that we ended up winning out of all the Ty classes. I couldn't believe it when i heard it on the intercom this morning, class Aurora is the best ;) We also had the start of the school year mass were my music class, another ty music class and some fifth years had to sing in the choir. We also had our second day of work experience this week which I really enjoyed.